Wardah Font

Download Wardah Font / typeface for free

Designed by Omotu Studio
Wardah Font website image

Download Wardah Font for free. Wardah Font is a font / typeface offered for free by Omotu Studio, the designer and original author. Please note that if the license offered here is non-commercial then you will have to obtain and buy a commercial use license. You can use the buttons to the right to download the free font or search for a commercial font license.

Notes from the Designer:

Wardah! A handwrittent signature font. Comes with two styles, regular and rounded. Wardah font is suitable for branding, logotype, apparel, T-shirt, Hoodie, product packaging, quotes, flyer, poster, book cover, advertising, etc.

Whats Include?
1. Uppercase and lowercase characters
2. Multilingual support.
3. Features: ligatures, alternate
4. Accessible in the Adobe Illustrator Glyphs panel, or under Stylistic Alternates in the Adobe Photoshop OpenType menu, Adobe InDesign, Corel Draw, even work on Microsoft Word.
5. TTF, OTF, and WOFF files

Please message me if you’re unsure of any language support.
Thanks for looking, and I hope you enjoy it! Please don’t hesitate to drop me a message if you have any issues or queries.

Perlu diketahui bahwa font ini hanyak untuk penggunaan PERSONAL SAJA.
Tidak diperbolehkan untuk penggunaan KOMERSIAL dalam bentuk apapun kecuali anda membeli LISENSI-nya terlebih dahulu.

Apabila anda melanggar/menggunakan untuk kebutuhan komersil tanpa membeli lisensinya terlebih dahulu, anda akan dikenakan biaya corporate licence.

Terima kasih.

(Full version and commercial license)

Official website: https://omotustudio.com/
e-mail: [email protected]
Join telegram channel: https://t.me/omotustudio

Omotu Studio


Font Name: Wardah Font
Author/Designer: omotu studio
License: Free for personal use / Demo

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