Prosto One Font
Download Prosto One Font / typeface for free
Designed by Jovanny Lemonad
Download Prosto One Font for free. Prosto One Font is a font / typeface offered for free by Jovanny Lemonad, the designer and original author. Please note that if the license offered here is non-commercial then you will have to obtain and buy a commercial use license. You can use the buttons to the right to download the free font or search for a commercial font license.
Notes from the Designer:
This font was created during a 6 month collaboration by two designers in Russia, Jovanny Lemonad and Pavel Emelyanov. They wanted to make a modern ‘accidental grotesque,’ useful for logos and presentations. The project’s initiator and chief designer is Pavel Emelyanov, who worked with his mentor Ivan Gladkikh, known as Jovanny Lemonad, who helped with technical expertize to finalize the font.
Font Name: Prosto One Font
Author/Designer: Jovanny Lemonad
License: Free for personal useFree for commercial use
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