Humato Font Family
Download Humato Font Family / typeface for free
Designed by deFharo
Download Humato Font Family for free. Humato Font Family is a font / typeface offered for free by deFharo, the designer and original author. Please note that if the license offered here is non-commercial then you will have to obtain and buy a commercial use license. You can use the buttons to the right to download the free font or search for a commercial font license.
Notes from the Designer:
Humato has to do with Humus, therefore with life.
Humato Heavy is a family of display fonts, very thick, with a square proportion and rounded corners.
Two main styles: Regular and Small Caps.
The fonts have a detailed configuration of Metrics and Kerning. You will find in the commercial version 3 sets of Capital letters, 5 sets of lower case letters and 10 of numbers, in addition, they include alternative characters and advanced Open Type functions, in addition, two extra complete versions, broken style, which can also be used as a layer font.
Font Name: Humato Font Family
Author/Designer: deFharo
License: Free for personal use
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